September 7th – We went to the Into the Deep season kickoff and met with various different teams, and shared ideas about our goals, missions, and plans for the new season. We also attended different workshops which informed us about the different aspects in FTC

October 21st – We went to the FOR (Friends of Robotics – a non-profit organization) event at Farmington High School, where they talked about funding for different FIRST teams, and more about how to participate in these programs

November 26th – We had a scrimmage with FTC #16008. We were able to learn a lot from each others robots and designs

January 28th – We made a GoFundMe for the CT STEM Foundation. Our goal is to raise $500

In Febuary, we are planning on going to our local public library and hosting an event for kids. The kids would learn about FIRST and FTC, and we would also have a hands-on activity and demonstration including our robot. In March we are planning on attending the Maker Fair at the Farmington Public Library. We would have a stand, and kids and families would come, learn about FIRST, and be able to learn about and drive our robot.